Department Details

Learn more about Petroleum Technology


Petroleum Technology

The Petroleum Technology Department encompasses a wide range of topics related to the exploration, extraction, refining, and distribution of petroleum and its derivatives. Students and researchers in this department delve into subjects such as reservoir engineering, drilling techniques, geology, petrochemical processes, and environmental impact assessments.


The primary objectives of a Petroleum Technology Department typically include:

1. Education and Training: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the petroleum industry, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various roles within the sector. 2. Research and Innovation: To conduct research that advances the field of petroleum technology, exploring new methods, technologies, and solutions for more efficient and sustainable oil and gas exploration, production, and processing.
3. Safety and Regulation: To educate students about safety protocols and regulations in the petroleum sector, ensuring they are well-prepared to work in environments with potential hazards.


The mission of a Petroleum Technology is Providing high-quality education and training to students, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and ethical values necessary to excel in the petroleum industry and related fields.


Our vision is to be at the forefront of the global petroleum industry, pioneering advancements in technology and sustainability. We aspire to educate and empower the next generation of petroleum professionals, fostering innovation and responsible practices that meet the world's energy needs while preserving our environment.

The goals of a Petroleum Technology Department include providing excellent education and research in petroleum technology. This involves collaborating with industry partners, promoting sustainability and ethical practices, fostering diversity, preparing students for global careers, engaging with the community to address local needs, staying adaptable to industry trends, ensuring graduates are well-prepared, making a positive societal impact, and continuously striving for improvement.